2023 Annual Report

When we saw Todos Santos being promoted on a billboard in Times Square we realized just how critical it is that we achieve our mission of changing our community’s relationship to trash. Baja California Sur (BCS) is the fastest growing state in Mexico, and Todos Santos is one of the fastest growing towns in BCS. The waste management system in town is incapable of dealing with this level of growth, and this situation has a deep impact on each and every one of us. This year we made important progress towards achieving our goals of reducing the amount of harmful waste we generate, diverting waste from the landfill into productive uses and creating systems for future growth. It is with great pride that we share Alianza Cero Basura’s key achievements for 2023 on the following pages.


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Waste Wise Business All Stars Directory
Check out the waste reduction efforts of local businesses

Water Bottle Refill Stations
Find free locations in town to refill your personal water bottle

Waste Reduction Directory
Find products and suppliers to help you reduce your waste footprint

Community Resources Hub
Tools for adopting zero waste principles for your home, business or event

Map of local companies keeping our area clean