Community Resource Hub

Help us transform Todos Santos and El Pescadero into the first zero waste tourism destination in Mexico!

Embracing Optimism

Welcome to the Alianza Cero Basura Community Resource Hub! Here you will find instructions, recommendations, tips and inspiration for how to minimize your waste impact. Thank you for joining us on the journey to a waste-free future for Todos Santos and El Pescadero!

Start Living A Zero Waste Lifestyle

Please check out the three specific guides we have developed to help you be as zero waste as possible in your home, business, and events. We hope you will share any knowledge, insights and ideas you may have that will make this community resource hub even more effective.

Let Us Help!

What are you looking to do?


How to have zero waste festivals, events, and parties


How to reduce the waste you produce


What to do with the waste you produce

Planning Zero Waste Festivals,
Events + Parties

Well-managed events that produce the least amount of harmful waste destined for the landfill are a huge win for our community, particularly with the increasing number of large events being staged in the area.

We have developed a guide to help with your planning for before, during and after your event to ensure that vendors, staff, volunteers and event attendees can apply good zero waste practices at every stage of the proceedings. By using this tool you can substantially reduce the amount of harmful waste produced by your event and thereby ensure that your event is not only good for you and your participants, but for mother earth too!

How to reduce the amount of
waste you produce

We’re glad you’re here! The most important thing you can do to lessen your waste impact on the community is also the simplest: rethink your purchases.

When you’re contemplating what to buy consider these two questions:

1. Is this purchase going to create waste that will go to the landfill?

If the answer is yes, then consider

2. Is there an alternative to creating this waste?

We have created a list of product and service providers that can help you reduce the amount of waste you produce.

Note: Buying locally-made products automatically reduces
the impact you make on our environment!

The easiest, high-impact waste reduction solutions in our community include the following:

  • Buy local regeneratively farmed produce with minimal packaging
  • Install alternatives to single-use plastic water bottles including water filtration systems, home carbonation systems, and refillable water bottles.
  • Avoid buying cleaning products in plastics that are the most harmful and least recyclable. Instead, check out refill shops, alternative low packaging products, home recipes and more in our Cero Basura Waste Reduction Directory.

What you can do with
the waste you produce

Separate it! Correct waste separation and preparation is the critical first step in successfully channeling waste into circular economies. In Todos Santos and El Pescadero it is our individual responsibility to correctly separate our waste and ensure that it is successfully delivered to the correct destinations for reuse and repurposing.

Why do we separate
organic from inorganic?

What do we mean by organic vs inorganic?

  • Organic waste is biodegradable materials derived from living organisms such as food scraps, leaves and garden waste. These materials can decompose naturally through biological processes.
  • Inorganic waste is non-biodegradable materials that can not decompose naturally through biological processes. Common examples include non-compostable plastics, glass, metal, and paper. These materials persist in the environment for longer periods and may require specific disposal methods.
Please use our guidelines for disposing of your separated organic and inorganic waste:
How do i get started?
A guide to implementing separation and storage of waste
Homes and rental properties
Small Businesses


Our community has a limited number of options for channeling inorganic waste into circular economies but there are some things you can do. It is important to know your options BEFORE you start making purchases.

WASTE REDUCTION is always the best option.

Please note that those who collect and process materials do so on a best efforts basis. Check out our article HERE which explains the challenges of recycling inorganic waste in our community. For those of you willing to put a little effort into delivering certain materials to vendors and farmers, you will be contributing to low energy/high value local alternatives! Please check out some options below. If you have more solutions for repurposing inorganic waste, please let us know!

Can you find an alternative? Go back to the reduction page!
Drop off options
Explore the directory of drop off options
Collection options
What to do with the waste you produce


Organic waste is actually not waste. It is a tremendously valuable resource that, when channeled correctly to farming and composting, provides a great benefit to our community. As 60% of the waste we produce as a community is organic waste, we are developing an extensive system that will give everyone options for ensuring that all of their organic waste is diverted from the landfill into productive uses.
Buy locally
made compost
Transform my organic waste into compost
Hierarchy for food waste reduction

Jerarquía para reducir desperdicio de alimentos

What is composting?

¿Qué es el compostaje?

What are simple vs complex organic waste?

Que con los residuos organicos simples y complejos?

How can I turn my organics into compost?

There are two main options for turning your organics into compost:

  1. Learn how to compost at home or onsite at your business
  2. Separate, store and send your organic waste to a farmer or composter in our community


Some organic materials are easier to compost than others, so please check out our guides on what can be done with the different types of organic waste you produce.

Want local help in turning your organics into compost?
Guidelines for composting your organic waste:


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Alianza Cero Basura Home Page

Organic Waste
School Engagement
Community Engagement
Waste Reduction
Waste Separation


Waste Wise Business All Stars Directory
Check out the waste reduction efforts of local businesses

Water Bottle Refill Stations
Find free locations in town to refill your personal water bottle

Waste Reduction Directory
Find products and suppliers to help you reduce your waste footprint

Community Resources Hub
Tools for adopting zero waste principles for your home, business or event

Map of local companies keeping our area clean