Alianza Cero Basura (ACB) was the proud sponsor of the CINEMINUTO short film competition at the 19th Annual Todos Santos Film Festival (TSFF) which was founded by the legendary Sylvia Perel. 13 competitors from across Baja California Sur submitted films with the theme Mi Pueblo Sin Basura / My Town Without Trash. ACB Program Director Juan Salvador Aceves served on the jury of internationally acclaimed film makers, and the awards, presented on November 26, were all made with upcycled materials by local artist Antonio Lucero.

The grand prize of a GoPro camera went to Elizabeth Ruiz for her film Madre, and Honorable Mention went to Luis González for his film Colillita. The CINEMINUTO awards were presented by ACB board member Eduardo Nájera and ACB’s Community Engagement Manager Carla Ramírez. The ACB film CuidemosTodos, with song by Los Hijos del Tropico and video by Mike Brinkman, made its movie theater debut! Thanks to Sylvia Perel for a great festival and for providing the CINEMINUTO platform to highlight the waste management challenges that we face as community.