School Engagement

Engaging with the youth of Todos Santos and Pescadero is critical to changing our community’s relationship to trash.
That is why we are so pleased to build on our collaborations with the Palapa School and the CSU Todos Santos Center and roll out zero waste practices to all 16 public schools in our community.

Since September 22, 2022 CSU Zero Waste Coordinator/ACB staff member, Antonio Diego, has been working with The Palapa School in Todos Santos, in an intensive learning process to transform the school into a zero waste facility. The school has made tremendous progress. Tangible results include:
Creation and implementation of a waste separation strategy. The school now has designated bins for specific types of waste and information on proper separation techniques. A dedicated team of students drives this project.
The Palapa School is part of the waste separation program run by the municipality, which includes regular pickup of recyclables.
All kitchen and garden waste is now composted on the school grounds.

The zero waste program at the school has been hands-on and dynamic. Students have been an integral part of the waste analysis and waste strategy development for the school, and they have created and implemented the school zero waste information campaign. In addition to the hard work at school, Palapa students have gone outside the classroom to visit and help clean illegal dump sites around town, and to also lend a hand at Punto Verde where they prepared three tons of cardboard for transport. Supporting themes in the classroom have included “The Myth of Recycling”, learning how to create ecobricks, understanding the history of compost in Mexico and learning about sustainable industries.

CSU Zero Waste Coordinator Antonio Diego has brought in terrific local resources to inspire and inform the students and faculty alike. These include Alianza Cero Basura Program Director Juan Salvador Aceves, Punto Verde Recycling Center director Alex Miró, Sierra La Laguna Biosphere Reserve Director Victor Anguiano who discussed their efforts with respect to waste, and professional photographer/videographer Mike Brinkman who assisted students who wanted to participate in the Film Festival’s Cineminuto competition with a zero waste theme.

A lot of progress has been made, but of course much remains to be done. While the school has eliminated single-use plastics, students are still buying food products in single-use plastic containers from local vendors and bringing them on campus. The compost pile smells a bit at times, and the separated waste is not always cleaned properly. But these are the expected bumps along the road. The Palapa School faculty and students have demonstrated tremendous resolve in transforming their facility and are strongly committed to staying the course. 

With the help Palapa School Zero Waste Ambassadors (Agent Zeros) we are now engaged in rolling out zero waste practices to all 16 schools in Todos Santos and Pescadero. With our partners at Water Ways Baja, Natura and SINADES will are installing water purification systems and waste separation bins at all schools. The installations are accompanied by workshops with teachers and staff so that they can incorporate zero waste practices into all facets of school life.

Separating waste and studying trash is just the first step on a path yet to be imagined, a journey sure to be filled with the challenges and commitments of changing the consumption habits of a lifetime. We have cause to be optimistic.


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School Engagement
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