Organic Waste

The local waste audit conducted by ACB in 2021 showed that at least 60% of the garbage going into our dump is compostable organics. Not only do these organics fill up the dump at an unsustainable rate, they lead to the toxic burning of waste when they spontaneously combust – something which happens far too often. Diverting these valuable organics from the dump and turning them into nutrient-rich soil for our farms and gardens is an obvious and elegant solution. ACB has therefore made composting organic waste a major tenet of our waste reduction goals, and we aim to reduce the amount of waste reaching landfills (legal and illegal) by at least 30% by supporting community-based circular organic waste economies. Our key strategies are as follows:

Community Organic Waste Farm

In partnership with the National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research (INIFAP), we have begun the first community-led organic waste farm in Baja California Sur. The farm is dedicated to processing large quantities of organic waste and researching the most effective compost methods for the local environment and materials. Once fully developed the farm will serve as an education and information hub to the community, the cog in the wheel of our community-wide system and the largest single local community composting capacity.

Composter Partnerships

By maintaining strong relationships with community members, composters and farmers, we facilitate the connection and support of people with services and products related to organic waste, including production, transportation and transformation.

Compost in Place

We promote and assist households, schools and businesses to process their organic waste on site. We make the necessary information and resources available to the community through our Community Resource Hub, Community Composting workshops, and onsite training in schools and businesses.


We support waste management systems that improve the health and wellbeing of our communities, our environment, and our economy.


Waste Wise Business All Stars Directory
Check out the waste reduction efforts of local businesses

Water Bottle Refill Stations
Find free locations in town to refill your personal water bottle

Waste Reduction Directory
Find products and suppliers to help you reduce your waste footprint

Community Resources Hub
Tools for adopting zero waste principles for your home, business or event

Map of local companies keeping our area clean