About us

Alianza Cero Basura (ACB) of Todos Santos and Pescadero is a diverse and inclusive network that works across sectors to promote collaboration, influence policy, and catalyze transformation in the waste management systems of Todos Santos and Pescadero. Our work is grounded in a shared vision for change and is informed by the experience and expertise of our network and the broader community.

Alianza Cero Basura is committed to:

Educate, inspire and connect our community to zero waste practices.

We support waste management systems that improve the health and wellbeing of our communities, our environment, and our economy.


Alianza Cero Basura (ACB) is the next stage in the highly successful Desplastifícate movement in Baja California Sur. Desplastifícate was instrumental in getting the law passed that banned single use plastics in BCS, and locally helped hundreds of local businesses and schools to eliminate single-use plastics and embrace composting and recycling.  Desplastifícate is now putting its human and financial capital into supporting the long-term strategy of Zero Waste for our communities.

The fiscal sponsors of ACB is International Community Foundation (ICF).

International Community Foundation works closely with over 150 nonprofits in Mexico and Latin America to ensure that they have the organizational skills and tools they need to carry out meaningful and effective work in health, education, and the environment. ICF staff help these organizations to develop work plans, annual budgets, and proposals, while also advising them on strategic planning and leadership development.

Government Partnerships

Members of Alianza Cero Basura have been engaging with multiple government secretariats and directorates at both the state and municipal level. The purpose of these engagements is to build a shared understanding about a long-term transition to circular economies in which we transform the garbage problem into a waste opportunity. 

At the Municipal level we are in discussions with the following:

  • Municipal President
  • Directors who lead: Integral Management of the City; Public Services; Economic Promotion; Municipal Tourism; Sustainable Rural Development
  • Representatives of Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone (ZOFEMAT)

These conversations have crystalized into four action items for the 2021-2024 Municipal Development Plan:

  1. Waste separation at source: households, hotels, restaurants
  2. Treatment of organic waste: anaerobic digestion
  3. Collaboration with segregators (scavengers) for recoverable inorganic waste: recycling and transforming
  4. Maintenance of controlled, open dumps: landfills

At the State level we are in discussions with the following:

  • Executive (Governor) Advisors Coordinator
  • Legal and Transparency Director
  • Undersecretariats of Tourism and Sustainability
  • Head of Acquisitions of the Housing Institute of Baja California Sur

These conversations have enabled the ACB to be a part of the review and editing process for the State Development Plan, and will allow us to help influence waste management efforts related to economic reactivation, inclusive employment, infrastructure, transparency and accountability.


Waste Wise Business All Stars Directory
Check out the waste reduction efforts of local businesses

Water Bottle Refill Stations
Find free locations in town to refill your personal water bottle

Waste Reduction Directory
Find products and suppliers to help you reduce your waste footprint

Community Resources Hub
Tools for adopting zero waste principles for your home, business or event

Map of local companies keeping our area clean